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Assistant Project Officer – Sustainable Food Systems World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Project title:  Transforming Food Systems in Zambia: The missing pieces needed to make them work
Purpose:  To oversee the implementation of the project
Location:  WWF Zambia Country Office
Duration:  6 months
Start Date:  11th October, 2022
End Date:  11th April, 2023
Reporting to:  WWF Zambia Country Director
About WWF

The World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the world’s leading independent conservation organisation with a global network in over 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. We have been working in Zambia since 1962 organising our efforts across Freshwater, Wildlife, Forests and People.  WWF Zambia is seeking to hire a highly motivated and experienced individual for the position of Assistant Project Officer under the WWF UK supported Sustainable food systems project.




The world has experienced increased impacts of anthropogenic global warming due to increased emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which include carbon dioxide (CO2). Anthropogenic activities that contribute to CO2 emissions include deforestation, usage of fertilizers, and activities related to mining and energy production.

The global food system is also one of the main drivers of climate change and victim of climate change. The food system generates around 29% of global greenhouse gas emissions. And it doesn’t stop there. If the current global trends of eating more meat and dairy prevail, our diets will almost double greenhouse emissions by 2050. What’s more, the food we lose or waste, some 30% of all the food we produce contributes a further 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, Climate change impacts agriculture through increased frequencies of extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods that directly affect agricultural productivity and production. Because climate change is uncertain, it is difficult for farmers to plan their production activities, especially in rain-fed farming systems. Climate change and variability lead to higher uncertainty in predicting weather events such as floods and dry spells and shifts in the onset and offset of rains. The impacts of climate change on crop yields differ by regions. For example, climate change has been found to reduce yields for staple crops such as maize and wheat in lower-altitude regions, while there are yield gains for sugar beets, maize, and wheat in higher altitude and elevation areas.

Zambia’s CO2 emissions have risen from 1.7million tons in 2007 to 7.5 million tons in 2020. The country’s CO2 emissions are attributed to rampant deforestation (losing 276, 000 ha per year of forest cover, agriculture systems contributing 64%), the usage of conventional fertilizers, and the burning of vegetation for fertilizers.

Agriculture remains a significant sector in Zambia and contributes about 6% to national GDP. The sector provides about 22.3% of employment opportunities in the country, with 4.3% in the formal sector and 18% in the informal sector. Smallholder farmers dominate the sector and production is largely maize-centric and rain-fed. This production system has left the country, particularly rural smallholders, vulnerable to climate variability and climate change. Zambia’s food system is highly unsustainable, vulnerable to changed rainfall patterns and contributes heavily to deforestation

For Zambia, climate change is expected to negatively affect food security and nutrition because of high poverty levels and low diversification in food production. Currently, about 63% of energy requirements in Zambia are from cereals and yet cereals like maize the staple food are vulnerable to climate change. Thus, it is important to better understand the extent and magnitudes of the impacts of climate change on agriculture to inform adaptation planning in the country.

Zambia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) commits to reducing carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions by 25 percent by 2030 compared to 2010 base year emission levels. It will achieve this reduction through domestic efforts with limited international support. Zambia also commits to achieving a 47 percent reduction with substantial international support.

Zambia’s NDCs places more emphasis on Climate Smart and Conservation Agriculture without addressing all components of food systems, which as shown in the background also contribute to CO2 emissions. It is difficult to achieve these targets with the current unsustainable food systems in place. Agriculture, water, environment and energy sector policies   have not made the significant adaptation transitions to build climate resilience and secure ecosystems and food security of a growing population. There are currently no incentives to transform the agriculture system and not large enough participation of   farming communities and related supply chains to reduce Zambia’s emissions and there is no measurement system.

Objectives of the project

1. Ensuring that Zambia’s National Positions for both COP 27 and beyond reflects strong ambition and priorities on transforming food systems towards a sustainable path.

2. Zambia takes advantage of its status as Chair of the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) to influence other Parties to call for an Integration of climate and food systems at COP27 and beyond.

3. Zambia’s NDCs moves from only placing more emphasis on Climate Smart Agriculture and Conservation Agriculture but to also underline the importance and urgency of addressing emissions and measuring reduction from across the food system.

4. Incentivize Broadened space for participation in Zambia, that includes private sector, food businesses and industries take an active and leading role to deliver the outcomes for climate and nature – ensuring our children have access to high quality fresh food in the future which doesn’t cost the planet.

Zambia takes full inventory of current financial flows and subsides to agriculture to ensure there is s shift from harmful subsidies to nature-positive agriculture investments that benefit people and the planet.

Objective of the assignment:

WWF Zambia are seeking an Assistant Project Officer to ensure the timely and effective organization and  implementation of the whole activities of the project.

Specific tasks:

  • Maintain and monitor project plans, schedules, as well as prepare monthly planning for the activities and for the tasks with key milestones, timeline and deliverables, and in line with the project implementation plan.
  • Assist coordinate the pre-cop 27 and cop27 and post cop action plan
  • Assist with timely coordination and communication with strategic partners
  • Assist coordination with WWF media and communication team and help create content.
  • Provide required support in the implementation of the activities; coordinate activities and follow up on development and progress of the activities as well as feedback.
  • Support in arranging high-level meetings in coordination with the Executive Assistant to the Country Director, and prepare relevant analytical and narrative reporting for the project in accordance with relevant templates, requirements and deadlines.
  • Provide support to ensure that the implemented activities meet the strategic objectives of the project and are aligned with indicators.
  • Ensure all documentation is maintained appropriately for each component.
  • Support in the preparation of agendas minutes of meetings, progress reports, briefing, concept notes, PPTs, attendance sheets, agenda etc.
  • Work in close coordination with the Operations Team and provide them with necessary instructions for the implementation of the project.

Expected deliverables:

  • The Assistant Project Officer will provide the deliverables she/he is being in charge of, as agreed with WWF Zambia and based on the WWF UK Grant.

Expected background and experience:

The assignment requires the following qualifications and experiences from the Project Officer:

  • Bachelors’ degree in Natural Resources Management, Climate Change, Project Management, social sciences or other related discipline.
  • Experience with governmental and non-governmental entities is advantageous.
  • Familiarity with WWF work is desirable.
  • Good understanding of project management cycle and demonstrated experience in project implementation.
  • Effective report writing and analytical skills.
  • Good knowledge of climate change and sustainable food systems issues.
  • Able to manage a high workload, meet tight deadlines and prioritize tasks.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills both written and verbal.
  • Strong organizational and delegation skills.
  • Strong development and team building skill.
  • Computer literacy in MS Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and Internet surfing.

Interested candidates must submit the following documents to demonstrate their qualifications:

A cover letter explaining their suitability for the position.

An updated copy of their Curriculum Vitae.

Prospective candidates should apply and submit the above-mentioned documents to the email address no later than Tuesday 4th October, 2022, ensuring the subject line is denoted with the heading: WWF Assistant-Project Officer.

Incomplete submission will be a ground for disqualification.

WWF is an equal opportunity employer and committed to having a diverse workforce.

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