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Landscape Resource Economist Frankfurt Zoological Society Zambia

Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) conserves wildlife and ecosystems focusing on protected areas and outstanding wild places, whilst promoting responsible livelihood practices linked to these landscapes. FZS Zambia (FZS ZM) has been active in the North Luangwa Ecosystem since 1986, working to conserve this globally important wilderness area. FZS ZM is seeking a skilled and experienced Landscape Resource Economist specialist individual or company with a dedicated lead specialist to strategically guide feasible conservation compatible business models in the North Luangwa landscape and to provide specialist implementation support for key identified projects, funded through the USAID Luangwa Conservation Programme. The duration of the contract will be two years. The position requires a deep dive understanding of the role of natural resources in the NLCP rural economies and will provide multi-layered and strategic guidance to inform more sustainable methods to manage and maintain environmental resources over the long-term to support the development of sustainable conservation compatible economies in the for human and environmental well-being.

Key objectives the FZS NLCP Landscape Resource Economist position will be to:

1. Develop a strategic socio-economic/financing framework(s) in support of nature-based outcomes.

2. Provide specialist finance/economic implementation support for targeted landscape programmes/interventions.

3. Understand, develop and support the implementation of innovative landscape nature- based financing solutions and mechanisms.

4. Strengthen and develop strategic alliances in support of nature-based outcomes within the implementation landscapes.

5. Create mechanisms for tourism/livelihood links/credits/impact bonds, corridor/LUP adherence payments.

The key performance areas are:

KPA 1. Strategic stakeholder engagement: strengthened relationships for landscape outcomes, and mainstreaming of nature-based outcomes into policy and development planning processes:

· Identify key landscape stakeholders that will strengthen and grow a range of conservation-compatible business models in the North Luangwa Landscape.

KPA 2. Provide specialist support for key implementation programmes: cost-benefit studies, feasibility studies and business cases:

  • Provide specialist technical support to understand and inform feasibility studies, and business cases for key conservation-compatible implementation projects such as wildlife economy projects; responsible low-impact tourism; infrastructure development; fishery use and livelihood opportunities; sustainable forest resource use; conservation agriculture and livelihoods projects.
  • Guide benefit-sharing models with relevant community structures and partners.

KPA 3. Support SMME development linked to market access:

  • Understand the status and opportunities to strengthen enterprise value chains within community areas linked to the conservation sector.

KPA 4. Innovative financing and resource mobilisation:

  • Develop an innovative finance framework that will inform a range of financing solutions, including but not limited to carbon credits.
  • Conduct market research and analysis, identify, and engage with reputable service providers and partners to develop proposals for nature-based solutions.

KPA 5: Natural resource use valuation:

  • Develop framework(s) to understand the value of natural resource use within landscape programmes and inform responsible resource use strategies.

KPA6: Responsible Tourism:

  • Provide specialist technical input to responsible tourism arrangements/concessions.

KPA 7. Knowledge management

Develop a landscape socio-economic impact assessment of the contribution by landscape conservation programmes and investments.

In collaboration with the on-site monitoring and evaluation team, monitor and report on the performance and impact of nature-based financing solutions.

Competencies, qualifications, and experience

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in resource/environmental economics, business management, or environmental science.
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant professional experience in resource economics/environmental finance, business management, natural resource management, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity management.
  • Strong project management background and a proven track record of successfully catalysing and implementing nature-based solutions for impact.
  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills, results-oriented and highly resilient.
  • Skilled collaborative worker, with experience working with a range of stakeholders including governments, the private sector, NGOs, and communities.
  • Ability to effectively communicate complex financial concepts to various technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Self-motivated and efficient, with the autonomy to develop your own strategies and work plans and prioritise your own work schedule.
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, presentation, and reporting skills.
  • Passion for conservation, community development, and sustainability.

Please email a cover letter (max. 2 pages) explaining why you feel you should be considered for this post (individual or company with a dedicated lead specialist); a full CV highlighting relevant experience and achievements OR companies to list similar work completed with the CV of dedicated lead specialist; and contact details for two referees (who will not be contacted without your permission). Please use ‘Landscape Resource Economist’ as the subject line. Please do not send certificates, affidavits or similar.

To apply, please email your CV and cover letter (as a single document) to

Closing Date: 17th November 2023 at 23:59. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Candidates selected for interviews will be contacted by email.

If you do not hear from us within two weeks of the closing date, please assume that you have not been successful on this occasion.

FZS values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

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